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Watch Dogs Wiki

The Vyvyn K. Turner Bridge is one of the City Hotspot locations found in Pawnee and is a landmark within Chicago in Watch Dogs.


The Vyvyn K. Turner Bridge, nicknamed "the Vyv," has won the title of "Finest Covered Bridge" from the Illinois Board of Covered Bridge Appreciation, a record ten times! The IBCBA has played a significant role in preventing the Vyv Bridge from being demolished and replaced with something safer and more reliable. It really is a nice bridge, isn't it?


The following badges are available at this hotspot:

Badge Icon Badge Name Badge Message How to Obtain Mission
Bridge Builder
Bridge Builder Ever been to Madison County? I think you might like it. Check in at the Cermak Bridge, the Bridge Construction, and the Vyvyn K. Turner Bridge.


  • Location wise, the closet real life counterpart to the bridge would be the Amerock Covered Bridge in Rockford, Illinois, though it might have taken inspiration from many two-lane covered bridges outside of Illinois.