Anthony's nickname could possibly be from two different sources. One being that he may be ex-military, the picture on his page shows him wearing ripped ACU pants under his shorts.The other possibility - could be a reference to Chicago itself, which certain gangs have come to call Chi-raq (Chicago+Iraq), because of all the gun violence. Just some speculation.
lol how do you know that he is a cocaine addict? He is only seen smoking Marijuana in Grandma's Bulldog and that is the only time we see him using drugs in the game. Please answer, I would love to know :) (btw I have the game)
LOL can you guys tell me how you found out that he is a cocaine addict? Becoz according to the page about him, he smokes marijuana. Please answer :) (btw I have the game)
That's coke![]
Though there's obviously no apparent source indicating that Iraq is a cokehead, knowing his character, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he did that stuff. /my2cents
PrivateSnowballTFC (talk) 02:05, February 17, 2015 (UTC)