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Laddie is a Fixer Contract in Bloodline. It is the one of five Fixer Contracts the player can receive from Jordi Chin.


In this Fixer Contract, Jordi employs Wrench to steal a Rempart Mark I robot that was recently sold to Albion. Wrench hacks an access point near the Albion Drone Facility which allows him to hijack the robot and direct it outside.

After destroying the facility's security systems, Wrench controls the robot and brings it outside where a drone picks it up. Due to the weight of the robot, the maximum altitude limit of the drone is decreased. As Wrench delivers the robot to the drop-off point while evading or engaging Albion forces, he decides to strike a deal with Jordi that will give the Fixers their necessary data while also allowing Wrench to keep the robot. Despite Jordi's initial disapproval, Wrench brings back to his safehouse.

Jordi tells Wrench that they accept his deal, allowing him to keep the robot. As a token of gratitude, Wrench decides to name the robot 'Little Jordi', much to the displeasure of Jordi.


  • Hack the Access Point
  • Destroy the Security System to Unlock Doors
  • Get Robot to the Drone
  • Deliver the Robot
  • Deliver Wrenchalina
  • Deliver Wrenchelle
  • Deliver Wrenchesca