CTRL is an exclusive mission in Watch Dogs, part of the White Hat Pack.
DedSec wants revenge against the corporation known as Umeni, so they've hired Aiden Pearce to strike at Umeni. However, DedSec access data is required before a strike can be made. So DedSec have hired Aiden to steal the access data as well.
- DedSec: We've been watching and we have ... similar interests. So, we've got a proposition. The faceless multinational corporation Umeni and it's corrupt, golden-parachuted executive needs to be taught a lesson. It won't be easy, but it will be worthwhile. Aiden Pearce: I've seen the guy on TV. I changed the channel. Dedsec: Together, we can dethrone him, but we need access into Umeni's system which means we need access data. We know where you can start. Once you've stolen the data, we'll send you an upload point.
After completing a puzzle and hacking a smartphone[]
- Voice message: Go ahead. But we don't have a lot of time. He'll swing by his office, get the codes and meet us later. Aiden Pearce: Sounds like the data is on the move. I need to hurry.
- The names of the four missions in this pack are a reference to the combination of keys pressed (CTRL, ALT, DELETE) to perform an emergency shutdown (SHUTDOWN) of the Windows operating system in case a normal shutdown cannot be done.
- If you finish the last mission (SHUTDOWN), you will be given an extra battery.