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The Battery is a unit in Watch Dogs.
The Battery is a HUD element in Watch Dogs that gauges the energy cost when a Profiler skill is used. It then recharges slowly overtime. Aiden is unable to use any Profiler skill for which there is an insufficient battery level. The Watch Dogs 2 equivalent is the Botnet.
Known Battery Cost of Profiler Skills[]
- Jam Communications (Signal Jamming) = 50%
- Traffic Lights Control = 25%
- Bridge Control = 25%
- Blackout = 100%
Through skills upgrade, battery life can be expended to allow extended use; an essential function throughout the game.
- The Battery is seen on the bottom left corner of the screen, when you have the Profiler selected.
- The Battery takes time to recharge after each use, usually 10 seconds if 25% is used.