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- â Who's a good boy?â
- ―Marcus, while petting a dog
Animals appear as entities in Watch Dogs 2, to add realism to the game.
Dogs are the most common animals in Watch Dogs 2. They are commonly seen being walked by their owners around San Francisco and Oakland, and Marcus is able to pet them. Dogs are also used by the San Francisco Police Department and the Oakland Police Department, and are deployed in higher heat levels. Umeni Corporation and the FBI also use them to help guard the buildings that the agency was hired to.
Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds are the most common dog types, with law enforcement always using German Shepherds. Breeds such as the Rottweiler are also employed by various gangs. When the player is sneaking around a restricted area, dogs may pick up the player's scent and begin to track down the player while they are sneaking around. If they have spotted the player, there will be a yellow icon with a dog footpad.
Domestic Dogs[]
Dogs can be seen commonly around San Francisco. They may either be alone, or be accompanied by their owner. Marcus is able to pet the dog. If Marcus shoots the dog's owner, depending on the type of dog, the dog will either chase and attack the player, or they will simply bark at the body and then lay beside the owner. If the owner is killed, the dog will usually run away and sometimes run to another owner where they will take ownership of the dog. Dogs will also bark at the police if their owner is getting arrested.
Dogs come in a variety of colors and breeds. Types of regular dogs include:
- Doberman
- German Shepherd
- Labrador Retriever
- Rottweiler
- Shiba Inu
- Siberian Husky
- Yorkshire Terrier
Police Dogs[]
Police Dogs are German Shepherds trained to be aggressive and are deployed at Heat Level 3 and above, where they will attack on sight. All Police Dogs wear a Kevlar vest to protect them from gunfire. Although they cause moderate damage, they can be a huge distraction and can catch the player off guard, especially if the player is exposed to other officers and/or SWAT team members firing their rounds at the player.
Despite this, police dogs can be taken out with a single gunshot or melee attack, as they are weaker than police officers. The Thunder Ball is also effective at taking out dogs, doing so quickly. Players however should take caution since police dogs are fast and agile, and will distract the player, potentially exposing them to gunfire. These dogs are labeled "Police K-9" and are possibly deployed from the SFPD Talos. Police dogs can also be seen along with police officers, often on police stations.
Birds can be seen around the Bay Area. Several types of birds exist, including seagulls and pigeons. Birds will often be seen in clusters, and will fly away if the player approaches them on foot or in a vehicle, or shoots at them.
Sea Lions[]
Sea Lions can be seen laying on the piers at Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39, as in real life. They do nothing when approached, escape into the water if they hear gunshots, and cannot be killed.
- Rather than each dog breed having a unique bark sound, most large dogs share the same bark sound, and most little dogs share the same bark sound.
- If Marcus bumps into a dog, there is a fair chance that their owner will start to insult him, as if he bumped into them instead.
- In the game, law enforcement faction type were using German Shepherd as their faction dog. they were used by Umeni, FBI & The SFPD (With K-9 vest).
- Players are unable to pet police dogs or guard dogs, as they are combative and not domesticated the same way as regular dogs.
- If an enemy dog attacks Marcus when he's on critical health, it will proceed to chew on his neck until he's dead.
- Watch Dogs 2 is the only game in the series featuring a variety of animals. In the other games, only bird sprites, specifically of pigeons, appear.
- In Watch Dogs 2, if the player pets a dog that appears without an owner multiple times and begins to casually walk, the dog will begin to walk along side with them, as if a bond has formed.
- In the final chapter of Eye For An Eye, "A Real Dog Fight", American Pitbull Terriers can be seen. This is the only time in game they will appear. Interestingly, when spotted by one they are considered members of Sons of Ragnarok despite the mission being in Tezcas territory.