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Ángel López is a character in Watch Dogs: Legion and the DLC Bloodline.


López was a member of DedSec's London cell until it was disbanded in the wake of the London bombings. During the period of DedSec's inactivity in Bloodline, the player may complete Resistance Missions for him. At the end of his Resistance Missions arc, he is last seen at the European Processing Centre. He is later discovered dead at the Southwark Incinerator during the events of Watch Dogs: Legion.

Bloodline Resistance Missions[]

By completing missions for Ángel during the events of Bloodline, the player is able to unlock abilities and weapons for Aiden and Wrench to use during the story.

Mission Reward Reward Description
Bloody Knuckles Chase Drone Hacks Disable or deactivate Chase Drones, hijack them or force them to betray allies.
Lay Off, Buy Up Riot Drone Hacks Disable or deactivate Riot Drones, hijack them or force them to betray allies.
Vigilance 1000 eTO In-universe currency.
Guardian Angel AK-47 Simple and reliable assault rifle, effective at medium to long range.


  • The in-game model and portrait of Ángel in Bloodline, and in the mission Clan Kelley's New Export are different. This is most likely a developer oversight.